Invisalign – Longmont, CO

The Clear Choice for a Straighter Smile

Do you have crooked or gapped teeth? Does your bite not line up properly when you close your mouth? Orthodontic problems like these can do more than make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. They can also take a serious toll on your dental and oral health! Fortunately, at Coats Dental Group of Longmont, we offer a clear choice for a straighter smile: Invisalign in Longmont. These clear plastic aligners offer an easy and virtually invisible way to overcome orthodontic issues and achieve a healthier, prettier smile. As a preferred Invisalign provider, our team has helped countless patients achieve optimal oral health with Invisalign in Longmont. Give us a call today to see if this modern orthodontic treatment is right for you!

How Invisalign Works

The Invisalign system utilizes a series of clear plastic aligners. Each one is carefully designed to put a certain amount of pressure on your teeth, which gradually shifts them into their ideal positions. You’ll wear each set of Invisalign aligners for about two weeks, and then you’ll switch to the next set to keep your teeth moving into their ideal positions. Every set of Invisalign aligners will take you one step closer to your ideal smile!

Who Can Invisalign Help?

While severe orthodontic problems will likely still be best treated by traditional metal braces, Invisalign can help patients overcome mild to moderate cases of malocclusion. If you’re interested in finding out if you’re a candidate, then take the next step and schedule a consultation with our Longmont dental team. Until your appointment, you can read on to learn more about who Invisalign can help!

Crowded Teeth

Illustration of crooked teeth

Teeth that are too close together or overlap create small spaces that trap food particles and debris. Since this can dramatically increase your risk of oral health issues, especially cavities between the teeth and gum disease, we strongly recommend exploring your orthodontic treatment options sooner rather than later! Fortunately, Invisalign is often a solution for patients, allowing us to create a healthy, uniform smile with clear, custom aligners.

Gaps Between Teeth

Illustration of spaced-out teeth

Unfortunately, even one small gap between your teeth can put you at risk of enamel damage. In fact, chips and cracks are very common with orthodontic problems, like spaced-out teeth. Don’t worry – Invisalign can be used to gently bring your teeth closer together, improving both your appearance as well as the long-term well-being of your teeth. So, what are you waiting for? Schedule a consultation with us today to see if clear aligners are right for you!


Digital illustration of overbite in Longmont before Invisalign

Just because your upper teeth sit in front of your lower ones doesn’t mean your bite is healthy. In fact, if your upper teeth jut out considerably, you can experience numerous issues – from trouble enunciating clearly to chronic jaw pain. That’s why it’s so important to explore your orthodontic treatment options now. If you come to our office, and we determine that you’re a candidate for Invisalign, then we will start the process of bringing your bite into proper alignment with custom-made aligners.


Illustration of an underbite

Some patients are dealing with the opposite problem: their lower teeth jut out beyond their upper ones. If that’s the case for you, then don’t just assume that metal braces are your only option. After all, Invisalign has helped countless patients with this orthodontic issue throughout the years – with clear, virtually invisible aligners too! The first step? Scheduling a consultation with us so we can assess your case and determine if Invisalign is right for you.


Illustration of a crossbite

Do you have a crossbite? Good news: Invisalign can be used to treat this common bite problem – without any metal either! We’ll carefully design a custom-made Invisalign treatment plan to bring your bite into a healthier position. Sometimes, this requires the use of other orthodontic accessories, like rubber bands, but don’t worry – they won’t stand out like traditional brackets and wires.

Open Bite

Illustration of an open bite

Some patients can’t bite down all the way because there is space toward the front or back of their mouth. If that’s the case for you, then schedule a consultation with us so we can see if you’re a candidate for Invisalign. If you are, we can bring your bite into proper alignment, preventing issues like premature wear and tear on your teeth in the process.

Benefits of Invisalign

Smiling woman holding out Invisalign in Longmont

Over two decades since its debut, Invisalign continues to be one of the most sought-after orthodontic treatments. There’s a good reason for that too! If you’re interested in learning a few of the many reasons millions and millions of patients around the world who were once in your shoes chose clear aligners, then keep reading.

Custom-Made, Comfortable Aligners

Patient holding clear aligner

Patients often assume that the fact that the aligners are see-through is the only draw. That’s not the case! Not only are they crafted from high-quality, low-profile, and smooth plastic (which doesn’t irritate the soft tissue in your mouth like traditional braces do), but they also are custom-made to fit the unique contours of your mouth perfectly.

Nearly Invisible Appearance

Patient putting on clear aligner

Since bulky and noticeable metal brackets and wires were the only option for decades, it’s not surprising that teenagers and adults alike are thrilled about Invisalign. Now, there is a way to address overcrowding, overbites, and other common orthodontic problems discreetly! Plus, the aligners are removable, so you can take them out when absolutely necessary.

Removable For Easy Cleaning

Patient cleaning aligners in sink

Speaking of removable aligners… You don’t need to completely alter your oral hygiene regimen with Invisalign! Instead, you can take out your trays, rinse them with clean, cool water, and store them somewhere safe while you brush and floss as usual. Just make sure to give them a good clean each morning and evening with a dentist-recommended cleaner.

Quick Follow-Ups

Dentist and patient talking in dental office

Not only are the follow-up visits with Invisalign spaced out to every 6-8 weeks, but the appointments themselves are often only 15 minutes or so. Of course, there are some exceptions, like if your teeth aren’t tracking properly. If that’s the case, we will need to determine what the culprit is as well as what adjustments need to be made to your treatment plan, which may take some time.

No Diet Restrictions

Woman preparing healthy meal in white kitchen

One of the biggest – and most underrated – perks of Invisalign is that there aren’t any dietary restrictions. As long as you keep your consumption of added sugar to a minimum and exercise caution with extremely crunchy foods, you can eat whatever you want! That’s a stark contrast to traditional braces, which require patients to avoid everything from whole apples to tortilla chips.

Quicker Average Treatment Timeline

Woman with beautiful teeth smiling

First, it’s important that we mention that your treatment timeline will depend on factors unique to your case, including how severe your orthodontic issues are. That said, Invisalign has an average treatment timeline of 12-18 months while traditional braces can take three years or more. So, if you follow all of the guidelines we give you, there’s a good chance that you’ll see results much faster!

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman in yellow shirt smiling at work

Are you interested in learning what school, work, and everyday life will look like with Invisalign? Good news: this section is for you! Below, you will find helpful information on wearing your aligners, scheduling your progress visits, and just about everything in between.

Wearing Your Trays

Closeup of patient putting on clear aligner

Wearing your aligners for 20+ hours a day is crucial. If you don’t, then you’ll likely fall off-track with your treatment plan, adding weeks or months onto the backend. If you’re not sure how close or far you are from the mark, use the stopwatch on your phone as a guide. If you often forget to put your aligners back on after eating or completing your oral hygiene regimen, then use the reminder app too!

Cleaning Your Aligners

Patient cleaning clear aligner with toothbrush

You don’t want your aligners to turn yellow, right? Don’t worry – keeping them clear and clean is easy, and you don’t need any special oral hygiene products! In addition to using clean, cool water to rinse them each time you remove them, you should store them in a clean case when you aren’t wearing them. Before you put them back on, use a damp, soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean the surface. If you want to give your trays an even deeper clean, you can use a dentist-recommended clear aligner solution as well (soaking them for about 15 minutes each day should do the trick!).

Eating & Drinking

Woman smiling while eating lunch outside

Eating and drinking with Invisalign is pretty simple because there is basically only one rule: remove your aligners first (with the exception of water). Outside of that, just do your best to keep added sugar to a minimum and to exercise caution with extremely crunchy foods, like hard pretzels. Instead, eat nutrient-dense foods, like bananas, oatmeal, and cooked carrots, so your teeth and gums stay healthy from the inside out.

Losing or Damaging a Tray

Woman smiling while talking on phone in kitchen

If you lost one of your aligners, then we encourage you to retrace your steps, starting from the last place you know you had them. Remember, they may not be in “obvious” places, so look in places like the center console of your car or the waste bin in your kitchen in the process. If you don’t have any luck, then we recommend calling us ASAP. We recommend doing the same if your trays are damaged too. That way, we can determine if a replacement needs to be made or if you can move onto the next set in the series a bit early.

Attending Routine Check-Ins

Patient smiling at reflection in mirror

Routine check-in visits are crucial; they allow us to monitor the movement of your teeth in comparison to your treatment plan! Unlike traditional braces, they are usually scheduled every six or eight weeks instead of every four. If everything looks good, then you’ll probably be in and out of our office in 20 minutes or less. If something is wrong, like one of your teeth isn’t moving, then we can make the necessary adjustments to your treatment plan then and there, hopefully preventing treatment plan delays.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Patient and dentist discussing the cost of Invisalign in Longmont

Just as no two smiles are alike, no two Invisalign treatments will cost the same amount. As a result, the price of your Invisalign in Longmont will depend on a variety of factors, including the severity of your orthodontic problems. That’s why we recommend scheduling a consultation! From there, we’ll provide you with a custom estimate of how much you can expect to pay as well as all your options for making your treatment affordable. In the meantime, you can learn more general information on the topic right here!

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Longmont dentist placing Invisalign aligner on patient

Before determining a price, our Longmont dentist will conduct a dental exam to determine:

  • The severity of your misalignment
  • How many aligners will be needed
  • If rubber bands or any other accessories are necessary

Another important factor is how well you adhere to your treatment plan. For example, if you adopt poor habits like neglecting to wear your aligners for 22 hours a day, then there is a good chance that your teeth won’t track properly. This will require a larger investment of your time and money, which is why it’s so important that you follow all of your treatment guidelines to a tee!

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Patient holding up Invisalign aligner against blue background

When comparing the upfront costs, it won’t take long to realize that Invisalign comes with a higher upfront cost. That doesn’t mean, however, that it isn’t worth it. Unlike DIY braces, Invisalign treatment starts with a thorough evaluation to ensure you’re a good candidate. Plus, it includes routine check-in visits with a licensed dental professional and is backed by professional organizations, like the American Dental Association. So, while the initial investment might be a bit higher, the numerous benefits that come with Invisalign makes this clear aligner treatment well worth it.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?  

Dental insurance paperwork lying on desk

In some cases, yes! Naturally, the answer depends on your specific dental plan. If you’re unfamiliar with your benefits, that’s okay – you can get in touch with your provider directly to get a better understanding. Otherwise, you can talk to our team directly. In addition to being in-network with Delta Dental Premier plans, we welcome out-of-network providers and are more than happy to help you maximize your coverage.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Woman smiling while holding Invisalign aligner

Don’t have dental insurance? That’s okay – there are several other financial options available to help make your journey to your dream smile as affordable as possible. We will of course review each in-depth during your consultation, but here’s a quick overview:

  • Flexible financing – With third-party financiers like CareCredit, you can space out your payments into manageable chunks instead of paying for the entire thing upfront.
  • Periodic special offers – We’re proud to offer periodic special offers , including a free Invisalign consultation!
  • In-house membership plan – Our in-house membership plan allows you to save on essential preventive and restorative care, helping you save those valuable dollars for smile-transforming treatments like Invisalign.

Invisalign FAQs

Closeup of smiling woman holding Invisalign aligner

Naturally, you want to know as much as possible about the Invisalign process before you begin treatment. Don’t worry – our talented team is here to help you every step of the way! In addition to being available to answer any questions you have during your consultation, we’ve responded to a few of the most frequently asked questions below.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

As previously mentioned, each Invisalign treatment plan is unique since factors like the patient’s oral health and the severity of their misalignment need to be taken into account. The same goes for the timeline! While some patients can work through their aligners in just six months, others need 18 months or so. However, the average treatment time is 12 months. This is significantly shorter than traditional braces, which can take over two years to complete.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Many patients are often worried about how much discomfort will come with their teeth-straightening treatment. The good news is that Invisalign is not painful, and any soreness you do feel is a good sign – it means your aligners are working to move your teeth! Plus, there are several measures you can take to minimize your discomfort, including taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, using dental wax over the sharp edges, and placing a cold compress against the outside of your cheek to minimize swelling.

Can You Eat with Invisalign?

Yes, you can! One of the biggest perks of Invisalign in Longmont is that you won’t have to worry about any dietary restrictions during your treatment. The only rule is that you must remove your aligners before each meal (or while drinking anything other than water). Afterward, make sure to brush, floss, and clean your trays. This will help you meet your 22-hour-a-day wear time.

How Do I Clean My Invisalign?

Luckily, cleaning your aligners doesn’t require anything too complicated. All you need to do is stick to a few best practices consistently, like rinsing your trays each time you take them out and using a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean them after each meal. For a deeper clean, you can soak them in a mixture of lukewarm water and a packet of cleaning crystals as well. You should not , however, use mouthwash, toothpaste, or household cleaners like bleach. Don’t use hot water either. This can cause the shape of your aligners to warp.

Who is Not Eligible for Invisalign?

While many patients are eligible for this discreet teeth-straightening solution, there are some patients who aren’t. Those that are younger than 13, for example, are not candidates since they might not have all of their full, permanent teeth. Patients who are struggling with severe misalignment may also be better suited for traditional braces, at least at first. Of course, our Longmont cosmetic dentist will review all of this information with you during your initial consultation.

Have additional questions about Invisalign? Then don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment !

What Does Invisalign Look Like?

Having crooked, gapped, or overcrowded teeth can detract from your confidence if you’re overly worried about being judged for your appearance. Although braces are a reliable way to straighten smiles, many people near Longmont prefer to avoid the additional embarrassment of having bulky metal bonded to their teeth.

Fortunately, Invisalign utilizes clear plastic trays instead of brackets and wires. This smooth material is completely transparent so your natural grin can shine through. If your treatment requires accessories like buttons, attachments, or elastics, you can usually request that these are in a clear or tooth-colored shade to avoid feeling self-conscious.

Is Invisalign Cheaper Than Braces?

If you live on a tight budget, it’s only natural to consider pricing when determining the best method to reposition your smile. After you’ve consulted Dr. Coats, our team can provide an accurate estimate for the cost of your treatment based on your unique circumstances. Several factors influence the final amount due, like how well you adhere to the tray wear-time criteria and the severity of your condition.

For example, those with mild misalignments are more likely to finish treatment in 6 to 12 months, which costs less overall than repositioning and overly gapped grin.  

What if My Invisalign Broke?

The plastic material of your Invisalign isn’t intended to last forever, so it’s not the end of the world if you break or lose a tray. However, you should contact our team to let us know right away to avoid adding additional weeks to your treatment timeline.

Each set of aligners is meant to be worn for about a week or two before you switch to the next pair in your series to account for the ongoing movement of your teeth. If yours are damaged or missing, you’ll need instructions about how to proceed. Depending on how long you wore them, you might need to repeat a previous set while they’re replaced, or we might ask you to upgrade to the next ones earlier than initially anticipated.

What Happens After Invisalign?

Once you’ve successfully completed orthodontics, you’ll have a perfectly straight smile you can proudly show off. You’ll no longer have to wear your aligners, but in many cases, you will be given a retainer to wear. This is because your teeth have muscle memory and are still at risk of reverting to their previous places if you’re not careful.

Retainers don’t apply pressure to your pearly whites to shift them like Invisalign, but they ensure that they are kept in their corrected positions long enough for your mouth to adjust to the change. Some patients must wear them every night for a longer period, while others are instructed to wear them every other day or so, based on their unique situations.

Woman with clear aligner next to text about free Invisalign consultation